Training & Workshops

Knowledge and experience are only valuable if you can share them. And we do so with pleasure! We run training and workshops to help you collect, monitor, analyse and use data even better. You can learn how to let data work for you effectively.

Workshops & Training

Bringing knowledge and expertise in-house

During our workshops we work with the participants on a case. By using examples from practice, we show the factors that are involved and why certain choices are necessary. The workshop brings the process of data collection, monitoring and analysis to light. At the end of the workshop you will have worked out your case and will be ready to start working on it.

Do you want to go a step further with the team? Then we will give your team the necessary skills to start working yourself. We run our training and workshops at your preferred location, at our office or in-company.

Trainingen & Workshops

Storytelling with Data

Turning data into insights and presenting them in a way that everyone understands is still a challenge. The trick is in turning it into intuitive visuals so that the reader can easily see when and on what action to take. This may sound easy, but how do you put everything together? And how do you make sure you don't lose anyone in your story during the presentation? With the training course: Storytelling with Data, we look at how we as humans process information and how you use this knowledge to build visuals, dashboards and reports. Learn to let your insights and analysis make an impact.

Duration: 2 day parts

Google Analytics 4

The 4th generation of Google Analytics will be the new standard in just under a year. It is advisable to get started with Google Analytics 4 soon. Not only do you need to build historical data to keep making comparisons, you also need to become familiar with the new aspects and facets of GA4. With this Google Analytics 4 training, we'll get you ready!

Duration: Half a day
